Terms and Conditions
1. Introduction
Welcome to Prowrkz, a platform connecting businesses with IT service providers. By using our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree, please do not use our platform.
2. Services Provided
Prowrkz acts as a project manager (PM) for businesses, helping them:
- Define project scope
- Select appropriate IT service providers
- Finalize requirements, budget, and timeline
- Oversee execution
Businesses submit requirements through a lead form, and IT service providers list their services by creating a profile.
3. User Obligations
- Businesses must provide accurate and complete project details.
- IT service providers must ensure their profiles and service offerings are truthful and up-to-date.
- Users must comply with applicable laws and not engage in fraudulent activities.
- Users must implement appropriate cybersecurity measures to protect their accounts.
4. Project Execution
- Prowrkz oversees the execution within defined timelines but does not guarantee outcomes beyond agreed-upon terms.
- Businesses and IT service providers must adhere to the agreed budget, scope, and deadlines.
- Users must report any security breaches or data leaks immediately to Prowrkz.
5. Payments and Fees
- Fees for Prowrkz’s services will be communicated transparently.
- Any financial agreements between businesses and IT service providers are solely their responsibility.
- Prowrkz employs encryption and secure payment gateways to safeguard financial transactions.
6. Liability Disclaimer
- Prowrkz is not liable for disputes between businesses and IT service providers.
- We do not guarantee the quality, accuracy, or success of IT services provided.
- Prowrkz is not responsible for security breaches that occur due to user negligence.
7. Termination
Prowrkz reserves the right to suspend or terminate accounts violating these terms.
8. Governing Law
These terms are governed by the laws of the applicable jurisdiction where Prowrkz operates.
9. Information Security
- Users must maintain the confidentiality of their login credentials.
- Prowrkz employs encryption, access controls, and intrusion detection systems to protect data.
- Regular security audits are conducted to ensure data protection.